Finding that "perfect" concealed carry holster is almost a never ending quest for individuals who carry concealed. Most people go through a series of holsters in a trial and error process trying to find the perfect combination of comfort and concealment.

In most cases, handgun owners end up with the proverbial "box of holsters" that end up sitting around without being used.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thumb Break Holsters and Single Action Autos

 We answer many questions about holsters during the course of any given day

During our conversations with customers, we are often asked about the benefits of one holster over another, is this one more comfortable then that one, does model A conceal better than model B, etc. We are often asked whether or not to choose an open top holster or a holster with a thumb break. This is not always an easy question to answer, as choosing a holster with a thumb break adds some variables to the equation – such as the need for additional training and practice.

One item that comes up on a very regular basis these days is the way to carry a single action auto in a thumb break style holster. Due to the popularity of great CCW guns like the Sig P938, Sig P238, and compact 1911’s, we are seeing an increase in the number of people that want to carry these guns in a thumb break equipped holster.

We point out to people that holster manufacturers design their thumb breaks to be engaged when the gun is in Condition One, or “cocked and locked” as it is often called. This means that the hammer is back, the safety is on, and there is round in the chamber. (The thumb break will go between the slide and cocked hammer of the pistol.) This often surprises people, especially if they are new to firearms, CCW, or to single action auto pistols. They are usually expecting to carry the gun hammer down on an empty chamber (Condition Three), and have the thumb break go over a hammer that is resting against the slide.

 Read the rest of this article here:


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